Answered By: Noah Miller
Last Updated: mar 01, 2017     Views: 96

We at the Hernan Santa Cruz Library of ECLAC, at the United Nations, thank you for your interest in the products of information of the ECLAC.

The Commission has clear rules regarding the use of its material electronic in others Web sites.

Regulations have been established to disseminate electronic materials presented on your website through a direct link to the ECLAC Digital Repository ( or the institutional web page (

Two banners for the ECLAC Digital Repository are available in two formats and languages (Spanish and English), available in a zip file below. We invite you to link to our repository in your institutional portal using these banners and the following link:

In cases in which you'd like to highlight a particular publication available in the ECLAC Digital Repository, please use of the permanent URI of the document, rather than the url of the web page as it is found in your browser.

This regulation aims both to protect the intellectual property of our products and to provide us with reliable statistics about the visits to our institutional site.

We also offer the option for "harvesting" from our digital repository via the OAI Interoperability Protocol. If you are interested in this option, you can reach the technical area of the library Hernán Santa Cruz platform, headquartered in Santiago, Chile, via email